Transmitter configuration
Note: All functions described in this section require previous transmitter identification in the network by the transmitter search tool!
New transmitter
The option is run by:
- Menu->File->New transmitter.
Choosing this option will configure the program for operation with a selected type of transmitter without the need to connect a real transmitter.
It allows to do the following:
- Create a configuration template for a given type of transmitters.
- Preview of transmitter configurations saved in file.
Reading transmitter configuration
The program allows to run this function in the following ways:
- The button
located on the taskbar,
- Menu->Transmitter->Read configuration.
If you choose this function, all transmitter parameters will be read.
Save configuration to a transmitter
The program allows to run this function in the following ways:
- The button
located on the taskbar,
- Menu->Transmitter ->Enter configuration.
If you choose this function, all transmitter parameters will be saved.
Import transmitter configuration from file
The program allows to run this function in the following ways:
- The button
located on the taskbar,
- Menu->File->Import configuration.
This function allows to import previously exported transmitter configuration.
Note: Only editable parameters are imported. The parameters, which cannot be edited (and therefore, are not saved in file) have greyed-out background and are not imported to a transmitter.
The basic function of that option is to import parameters to a transmitter on the basis of
a previously created configuration template.
Below, you can find an example of template creation procedure based on parameters of a selected transmitter, and then import of the prepared data to another transmitter:
Template preparation
- First search for a transmitter, which will be a template model,
- Then, choose Export configuration to save the transmitter parameters to file (template),
- Disconnect the transmitter from the network.
Import the template into another transmitter
- Connect the second transmitter, to which template parameters will be imported (both transmitters must have the same basic range),
- Search for a transmitter,
- Import configuration from file (Menu->File->Import configuration),
- After importing data from file, some parameters can be changed e.g. sensor number,
- Upload new transmitter configuration by tool Save configuration to a transmitter
Export transmitter configuration to file
The program allows to run this function in the following ways:
- The button
located on the taskbar,
- Menu->File->Export configuration.
This function allows to save selected transmitter parameters to file.
Note: Only editable parameters are imported. The parameters, which cannot be edited
(and therefore, are not saved in file) have greyed-out background.
Generate transmitter configuration report
The program allows to run this function in the following ways:
- The button
located on the taskbar,
- Menu->Transmitter->Generate report.
A generated configuration report can be printed out or saved in various file formats.